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Ke Ola — Letter from the Publisher

Michela O'connor Abrams | Publisher

One has only to land on Kaua‘i, step off the plane, breathe in the moist plumeria-filled air, take a left, then head south, and be on the way to the very paradise I found on this island so aptly nicknamed “The Garden Island.” I have had the good fortune of traveling to the Hawaiian Islands for years. While I love each island for very different reasons, admittedly, I have a clear favorite. For me, Kaua‘i holds the tranquility and concurrent vibrancy required for total relaxation and rejuvenation. If one adds to that equation a place where land, sea, and unequalled authenticity reside, then one has this—Kukui‘ula.

The first time I drove past Koloa Town and The Shops at Kukui‘ula, I remember feeling ready to approach what I had heard was an amazing 1,100-plus-acre sanctuary, and what I hoped was not just a “gated community.” What I found upon entering the tree-lined drive to the clubhouse was anything-but-gilded representations of luxury. In fact, Kukui‘ula need not say luxury, for it embodies all the finest qualities private clubs want to espouse, without any ersatz stereotypes. I was met with sincere greetings of aloha as if I had just come home, and a landscape so purposefully and carefully crafted for the sustainability of this beautiful place—something not easily done when one considers what preceded these lush gardens of native plants. The team has done an incredible job of restoring the life and vibrancy of the land where sugarcane fields stood for decades. 

As with all great experiences, it’s the people who make all the difference, and that is true in spades at Kukui‘ula. In fact, I have never come to know a staff of a club—or any resort for that matter—with such ties to the place and immense pride in their home. Each person at Kukui‘ula expands the context of one’s experiences on- and off-property. And, when one returns as many times as I have, they become your friends. So now that my favorite place is even more honed in than just “The Island of Kaua‘i,” I have become the un-appointed Ambassador of Kukui‘ula and delight in sharing stories and experiences with  all who will listen. 

I look forward to adding your stories to the ones I retell, in person and in future issues of  Kukui‘ula Ke Ola...

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